Frequently Asked Questions

  • We offer 2 coaching programs.

    Discovery and Assessment Call - which includes a 60 minute call to get to know you and your goals. Then a 30 minute follow up a week later with my recommendations and a brief action plan.

    Confidence Transformation Program - which includes 8 hours of coaching. We will be going deep dive for 8 weekly coaching calls at 60 minutes each. This is a continuation of the discovery and assessment call where we now focus on establishing an action plan on how to achieve confidence. In addition accountability in executing on the work that needs to be done in achieving the goal we decided on our Discovery and Assessment Call.

  • I am not a license therapist but a confidence coach instead. So each coaching session we will through a guide of exercises and I also go deep in asking the tough questions of what it is you are struggling in confidence and what goals you are trying to achieve that the lack of confidence is holding you back.

  • Full transparency is that I am a new life coach in training and still working on getting my credentials. However, I come with a lot of knowledge and life lessons. I had to overcome a lot of mental barriers and past baggage that was holding me back. In doing so I am confident that our coaching will make a big difference in your life trajectory. I am here to help you get unstuck or move forward through of my coaching work

  • We generally ask for full payments. However, we understand that sometimes you can use a little help on breaking up the payments. So for the Life Transformation Program we do offer a 2 payment plan of $500 each to cover the cost of the $1000 coaching program.

  • If you are not happy or satisfied on the Discovery and Assessment Call. We will issue a full refund. We only ask to please fill out a survey and form to let us know what was our shortcomings or what we can do to improve our services for future clients.

If you have any questions please fill out the form below and we will get back to you ASAP!!!